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Born and raised in Buenos Aires, Rocío is an EP and Senior Producer who has been working in the audiovisual industry since 2004.  Over the past two decades she has worked alongside a range of teams, agencies and clients delivering high-quality and creative solutions to create best in class content across diverse formats. 


She has successfully produced multiple projects, including large-scale commercials for multinational brands and agencies, national feature films and documentaries, and international content, many of which have been recognized on a global scale.

With a solid live-action foundation and the growing experience acquired in her seven years as EP for 1st Avenue Machine BA (formerly Tronco), she has expanded her expertise to include mixed media, animation and stop-motion projects, allowing her to adapt to different styles and challenges.

She currently works as a freelance EP and Senior Producer for the international market, focusing mainly on projects for LATAM, North America and Europe.

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